Art, Programming

Crunch week

So far, I have managed to persist all my data, export it, move the editor into the actual game and fixed a number of bugs that I have exposed by trying to use my Lump tool to build actual content. I try to build one thing and run into a slight snag because I can't… Continue reading Crunch week

Art, Programming

I’m going to try and keep a diary on this blog again

For the last month or two, I have not been very disciplined when it comes to work and I have actually regressed in focusing on tasks. When I moved my office back into my apartment, I stopped keeping a fixed time to work on my projects and stopped keeping a rigid control of how to… Continue reading I’m going to try and keep a diary on this blog again

Art, Programming, Work


This navigation stuff I have been designing is done. There is nothing more to add, just stuff to clean and fix. That particular game mechanic is not going to be anything more. I was looking into how I was going to make the machines loop last weekend, but I found a much simpler solution so… Continue reading 20%

Art, Programming, Work

Day N

I don't know how many days I have been working on this game and I have not been counting since I passed the one year mark. I was not able to work on my game for the last 2 weeks because my girlfriend and my brother are both reading and working towards finishing the exams… Continue reading Day N

Art, Programming, Work

The team is growing

My brother is now assisting me with the development of my game. He helps me out every other weekend, and will get some money and experience in return. It was quite refreshing seeing him get up to speed and basically implementing game features within the hour of sitting down with me. He is quite apt at programming… Continue reading The team is growing

Art, Programming, Work

51st and 52nd week

So, tomorrow will be a year from my first blog entry for my little adventure. I am still at it and I have no plans of stopping.  Reviewing this long list of blog entries, it is evident that most of my time was spent creating content, learning to use various tools and programming some very… Continue reading 51st and 52nd week

Art, Programming, Work

Week 50

So, this time around I was back at 3D modeling and photoshop work. Sketching levels on pieces of paper and creating puzzles, while simplifying my game down to its most simple form. I am even going to remove the counter element from the Programming UI. So there only will be two types of generic triggers… Continue reading Week 50

Art, Programming, Work

48th week

So, I have been working for about 15 hours today. Moved almost all the Daikon Forge UI I had made, over to the new Unity UI that is coming in Unity 4.6. I am fine with using the beta version of that particular system, since I will not be releasing any time soon. Moving the… Continue reading 48th week

Art, Programming, Work

47th week

Tackling this Grant application was sort of a forced review of many parts of my business strategies. But I did not finish the application. Fell on my ass because I waited with some large parts of it till the last night. I also got a bit distraught about it when I was talking to a… Continue reading 47th week

Art, Programming, Work

45th week

I finished the Scintilla plug-in and am now cleaning it up so that I can add it to the Unity Asset Store. I had to make a few adjustments to the UI front end of the native GUI implementation in Scintilla so that the background window would not steal the focus of the game application.… Continue reading 45th week